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We put at your disposal all the videos related to our work, our interviews and our objectives!

The Gaïa prize for environmental protection and security is a distinction given to the defenders of the environment and human well being. It is awarded by the Petrovic Njegos foundation anf the Med21 Program. 

Dr. Comair was gven this distinction in 2018 at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik.

This video is of some notes from notable personalities during the 3rd version of the conference on Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in the Middle East. The conference studied the Case of the Nile Basin. 

The conference took place in Salle Clemenceau in the Luxembourg Palace on the 11th of december 2017 in the French Senate.

During the 3rd edition of the "Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in Middle East: The The Nile Basin case", M. Fadi Comair gave his thoughts on the issue at hand 

For the 2nd edition of the conference : "Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in the Middle East : Case of the Jordan River Basin"

This is the intervention of Dr. Fadi Comair on 2016 at the French Senate - salles Monerville et Vaugirard

The intervention of M. Fadi Comair for the 1st edition of the "Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for the Middle East" conference in 2015, discussing the Oronte Basin. 

This conference took place in the French Senate - salles Monnerville and Vaugirard 

The Mediterranean Sea, sewing or cutting?

Interview conducted by RIATE with M.Fadi Comair

As the ESPON contact point in France, the RIATE, in partnership with the Interministerial Delegation Directorate for the medMéditerranée poster (DiMED), organized a day to promote the results of the ESPON European program on the Mediterranean Neighborhood theme, and more particularly on the results of the ESPON ITAN project "Integrated Territorial Analysis of the Neighborhoods", whose leader is the International College of Sciences of the Territory GIS CIST (directed by Pierre Beckouche and Claude Grasland).

In this context, the aim of the conference was to analyze the framework and the obstacles of the cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean. The aim is to identify tools and good practices for actors working in the Mediterranean. 

The conference was organized around five round tables: Transport and Urban Development; Environment and Water; Agriculture and Food Security; Energy; Migration. 

Note that the video is in french.

Blue Gold Lebanon

Water, a convenience or natural wealth?

Intervention with Me Hyam Mallat, Pierre Blanc and Dr Fadi Comair

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