The East-Mediterranean Observatory for Sustainable Development:
Shared Eco-Risk Assessment Platform
In accordance with the recommendations of the Beirut-Marrakesh Declaration (COP 21-22) and inspired by the creation of the Observatory of Sustainable Development in 2006, it was appropriate to create the Mediterranean Observatory for Sustainable Development under the aegis of UNESCO, with the aim of:
Preserving the Mediterranean Coastal Ecosystem
Protect natural resources
Promote the implementation of clean and simple technologies for the defense of the environment and the fight against global warming
Put in place a regional governance.
The water, energy and agriculture sectors are intimately linked and interdependent. Following this logic, it is necessary to act through the concept of hydro-diplomacy for the survival of resources and humanity in the context of the Nexus Water-Energy-Food, especially as the resources are of trans-boundary nature.
The consequences of global warming and the policies implemented will have a major long-term impact on our resources, hence the need to rethink a strategy based on the concepts of sustainable development.
The South East Mediterranean region and the Middle East suffer from the deterioration of their environment, accompanied by high population growth, unequal distribution of resources and political tensions. This region lacks the infrastructures as well as systems of observation and evaluation in the energy, water and environmental fields, which prevents the countries in question from fighting the consequences of climate change. Following the conference entitled "The After Cop 21: policy adaptation for the Mediterranean region", multiple policy adaptation were proposed, suggesting the need to proceed in the face of the challenges facing the Mediterranean region.
Thus, it would be wise to opt for cooperation, leading the coastal countries to be catalysts for peace in the framework of regional governance and in a spirit of conflict resolution.
Thus, the OMDD focuses its strategies around education, food, prevention, hydro-diplomacy and innovation, mobilizing scientific and professional experts in energy, environment and development sustainable. Their participation and presence in the observation is essential, their expertise allowing a reflection on environmental energy policies and finding appropriate solutions while preserving and respecting the water resources and recommendations of COP 21 and COP 22.
To achieve our mission, dialogue, communication and cooperation are essential and necessary. The achievement of the objectives of the Observatory requires a database of all participating countries.
Under the auspices of UNESCO (International Hydrological Program), a network of local partnerships will be formed to form the Observatory and initiate its program. This collaboration would make it possible to identify and evaluate the feasibility of the preservation measures envisaged, the risks, the means of control, the protocol for monitoring their impact. Through collaborative work, it will be possible to quantify and qualify the energy efficiency indicators, implement energy and environmental policies, advances in science, technology and industry and assess the potential of each renewable energy source.
To accomplish its mission, the OMDD proposes different strategies: